Thursday, January 31, 2008

Home for a bit... really?

Wow, was gone for what... 2 weeks? Though by the time we got the chance to get home it feels more like 3.... We got our hopper cones built, the first 12 anyways. We put skids on 12-14 foot hopper cones. Had the weather been co-operative, we would have started onto bins. We have one to spin in the Co-Op yard and then 10 we can build before the vents for the roofs on the air bins arrive. Though I think we had one vent leftover last year so maybe we can build 11. Just the temperature has to get up around the -10cel. or warmer.

This beauiful flowering Cactus is what we came home to. I thought for sure I was going to miss the full bloom part of this beautiful critter... but didn't! So I was very happy to see it, all blooms!

This here is a picture of the truck, burried in snow. It had snowed the whole day before. When we first got there we did a wee bit of work the first day er so then it got snowy, blowy and kinda cold for a few, then we got back out there... I just can't remember exactly what day this was....Snowed on the Tuesday Jan.15, I took the pic on the morning of Jan. 16.
While we were snowed in.. or blowed in.. or the temperature would freeze us, this is what I was up to. I made a pair of liner's for my FIL for his Leather mittens. He gave me back the thrummed mittens..... they are a wee bit too big for putting in leather mitts and the wind goes right through them. So now to figure what to do with them... oh well! He was happy to see this pair anyways... I hope they keep his fingers warm and make damn good liners, because all the hours he spends outside.
These ones, Mom had put on her wish list... but I thought they would be a bit late if they showed up on her birthday and well, Christmas next year is a long time to wait for mitten's that match your ear band... So I gave them to her when we went through Regina on the way home... Mom likes them too... (though they were a wee bit long, but better long than too short!) and she was happy with them so that really is what matter's to me!

So, we have been home since, Tuesday night. I have caught up on my email (only had 226 waiting for me). I tried to catch up on all my blogs I read.. some of you may have noticed late comments there..... LOL Because I was away from home and had no internet. I was a bit sad I missed out on Cass' 444 contest... but it looks like she had lots of entries anyways.. all the fun she has over there! I love the socks Dandy(Purple is a fruit) is making.. they are so neat! I have also see some other wonderous projects in my blog travels... I love the baby ear flap hats that are showing up on By the hills.
I am loving my little car. She hasn't been named.. other than viberator. I am taking her in to Pontiac tomorrow to get a latch on the hatch looked at... but other than that.. Love her! She's a great little car... well not so little if you put her beside the old Tercel.. but little in the sence of she uses a hell of a lot less gas than the truck and seemingly not a whole lot more than the Tercel.
Oh well, I should tell you about our trip home... LOL we headed out Monday... LOL just before the blizzard hit.. yes the blizzard.. we thought we might still beat it but we didn't. I started out with the car and hubby loaded the truck with some stuff, then followed. The roads weren't too bad until I turned onto #2 going right into Moose Jaw. I mean most of the way it was kinda blowy and snowy but one could see a long way... and the highway was good. Then when I turned to go south... in the first 10 km it was good, except for the puzzling cattle trailer in the ditch that was facing north but, was in the southbound ditch. The truck that was hauling it did get out though as it wasnt anywhere to be seen. Then about 10km from Moose Jaw it went to white out. All I could see was the lines on the highway. Talk about driving blinded. When an oncoming vehicle came up I could see them maybe 3 to 5 feet before we met. Was some wild weather. When Hubby met me in Moose Jaw, it was, we have 2 choices... go see my sis or huddle up in a hotel. So we got a hotel room and went to visit my sis, as it wasn't as bad in town.. I mean the temp was still bitter cold and the snow still blowing but nothing like the white out you get in the open. The next day we headed from Moose jaw to Regina. Had a visit with my mom, took her shopping a wee bit... then we dropped her home and headed for our home. I was wanting to stay a couple days with mom but, my home was calling.. louder and clearer the closer we got to it. And with the weather the way it was we wanted to stick together. That way, if one of us hit the ditch or had trouble in that -52cel with the wind chill the other would be there for them. The roads were surprizingly good, though the oncoming lanes had snowdrifts in them... When I called my mom to let her know we got home ok.... I said I was sure glad I wasnt coming the other way! LOL (and yes my mom worries like crazy, so, yes I do call her when I get home from her place). Sighs, so we got home Late Tuesday afternoon.. ooh way early evening... it was closer to 7pm. LOL but we made it safe and sound.
Yesturday(Weds) we made a trip to the farm where I gave dad the mittens for liners. Mom had some cherry tarts.. mmm they are good. Had a good little visit and headed back home.. didn't want to be out too long as the wind chills were still in the -40 to -45 Cel. range. Today the Wind chills were up there too... So glad to spend the day at home.. mind you tackled some laundry did up yesterdays dishes and had a nap this afternoon.. man I was whiped.
Ah well, we are around for a few now... will be off to Yorkton tom. for the car and some groceries... but thats about it so far!
Well, talk to you later!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My New VIBEbrator

Take a peek down a couple days... you can see it... apparently drafts post on the day you drafted them.... *shrugs*

Well, off to Christmas, and off to work after...

Thank you again T. We will have to make the trip to the city soon!!! Was good to see you, sorry to wake you!

The new Vibe handles like a dream on the gravel!!! LOVE IT!!!

Catchya later!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Scarf, and another cupboard!!!

Hey, I made this scarf.. in 2 days... yes, 2 days and there is this lovely thick warm scarf. I made it using the Yarn Harlot's One Row Scarf pattern (thanks Cass for showing me yours... and inspiring me to make one). I made it using Red Heart's Bright and Lofty in the colour Snow Cone. My beef. I ended up with 2 different dye lots. You can see the difference in the scarf in the pics. One end is bright the other is more pastel, one has lots of blue, the other next to none. Now I got this yarn on sale... cheapish... but, what the hey? someone swap the ball bands? Eh, at least there is a scarf, and the pattern actually kept me awake. The bulky yarn kept me from getting sick of it as it worked up so nice and fast! Love it! I haven't tucked the ends in yet.. I will do that later.. I like it, I think it will end up being mine... though I wanted to originally sell it on Etsy, but because it is different dye lots.. I don't think I can. Not with a good conscience anyways, so, this bright colours thick and yummy scarf is mine... :D (can't really complain)

Hubby was busy with cupboards again. See he is going to turn the washer to face out too like the cupboard. It will be awesome when its done!!!(I mean the washer turned) The cupboard is already awesome! Love it! Holds lots of good stuff... have the garbage bags that make a messy looking shelf elsewhere up there now too! Looks awesome. Doors will follow, but we were/are getting ready to head off to work so the cupboard is great! I can wait on doors... Same with the pantry.. I can wait. Tiz all good!!!

Talk to ya's later!

Friday, January 11, 2008

My New VIBErator!!!

Yes all, the little Tercel was feeling very small... shoulder rubbing.. and head bumping and all that great fun on a long drive to anywhere was getting tiring... So, Here is my new ride...

I love it!!! Love to drive it!!! It will fit children(when we manage that). And it is not a mini van, LOL it's a station wagon!!!! LOL I STILL LOVE IT!!!!

Well off to work, catchya later!

We owe, We owe, tiz off to work we go!

Hey all, We are off to work. Those of you whom know and love us... can call us. Yes, believe it or not we carry those phones for a reason, AND they upgraded the tower where we will be so WE WILL HAVE SERVICE!!! Just no Internet. (sorry all my net buddies!)

The baby sweater, I know I have invested a bit of time into it... but, I do think I am going to rip it out and make a blanket with the variegated yarn, save the pattern for some solid yarn. I had a friend talk to a friend who gave some awesome advice, thank you!!!! Much Appreciated!! But, I think I am going to call it a blanket... LOL

I will be switching into socks for dad, Yes, Dad wants more socks. So, for his birthday, that is what he shall get... I want to make a pair of socks for an uncle of mine that especially likes things that are home made, and because my dad keeps showing him all the socks I make! LOL

I have a poncho to finish. I want to make 2 er 3 more pairs of mittens... I want to make a scarf. I have this fun, crazy snow cone coloured yarn. It is yellow, orange, white, bright reddy colour and has a touch of green in it. I want to make a one row scarf with it. You know, the Yarn Harlot's One row scarf.. that's the one.. at least I think... we shall see when I get to it...

My Christmas Cactus is blooming. Yes, it has flowers on it. Just a wee bit late for Christmas, and a wee bit early for Easter... but I do, still love the little orange flowers it gives me to look at. Yes, mine is orange, mom's is pink(beautiful bright pink). Ah well, If I manage to I will take a couple pics for you before I go.....

Well, Off and running,
Will post when I can!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Progress and my question.

Hey all, Baby sweater is coming along. I have an issue with it. Maybe it's just me. I don't care really for the colour pooling. See it? See it better here? Should I frog it back and do some crazy looping to get rid of that?
What do you think? Let me know.........


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Pantry, all good!!!

Pantry is up and full. Looks good! Love it! My living room is back to ... some what normal.....
I have my baby sweater done up to the armpits... LOL
Catch you later!

Progress, progress, progress?

Here is the start of the baby sweater, this is the bottom of the back. I have a few more rows on it now... but not much, been busy.... Close up of colour and stitches for you!
See what great stuff hubby makes up for me? Now they aren't all jumbled up in the drawer making me nuts when I want one! Only thing apparently I was to sand the holes before I stained it... and I forgot... but it still looks good.. and I love it.
See the little flipper/spoon one... goes with the pot/pan one!
Here is the pantry with some colour. Hubby did this last night, while I tried to sleep. Didn't sleep though... should have just got up.. but I was sooo tired!
Shelves getting their stain....
And Voila! Here it is all stained up and drying. I think it should be safe to load up late this afternoon! Hubby will add doors and such after... but for now we want the living room back!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Finished!!!! and more reno's

I finished them, last night. They look like boxing gloves. But they will be warm and fuzzy!

I cast on a baby sweater.... just for fun. When I get enough of it there to look like something I will take a picture for you to see!
Above is after we got the darn thing stood up, that was a bit of fun! Then below is the old pantry, moved out of the way for the new one to go in.The new pantry, no finish, no shelves, but it is standing in place. The washer is going to get turned to face the doorway next to it so that I can open it up and chuck things from it to the dryer in the porch. There is also going to be a cupboard above the washer... eventually.This is what my pantry looks like in my living room. Doesn't it just look like fun?


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sock Knitters!

Has anyone tried the Sock Wizard program? Please let me know! I am sooo curious... Thanks!

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Here are some Before and Afters for you.

New Door- Outside Above, Inside Below - sorry no b4 picture.

Before Corner - Closet was here, Pulled it out and put the closet along the other wall (you have seen pics in November 7th post)

After - Hubby put up drywall, now to fill the holes and paint it.

The Dishwasher Corner BeforeDishwasher corner in the works.....
Cook book shelf..... (isn't it cool!) Dishwasher Corner in progressDishwasher Corner Shelves with doors!
Shelves in process. The secret door... LOL .. to access the plumbing.

Am I not spoiled? Now hubby is remaking the pantry! I will have to oil the corner shelf to finish it. I have been debating a clear coat on the top of the counter, but think I will use place mats instead.

Mom's Angel

Hey, I got permission from Sis and Mom to show off Mom's angel! It's beautiful! I would say that it's her best one yet! Though they are all beautiful! Mom's camera takes the most beautiful pictures too! If you like her looks, there are other angels in the etsy store -------->
I just love this one, had to show her off!
Catch you later! (I have reno pics around here somewheres....)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Thrummed Mitten's

This is the bag of roving. It has taken out of it the amount I needed for one mitten. Now just to get onto the other. I finished one, the other is almost done the cuff.
Thrumm's laid out as I went along... there is a bit of fibre on my foot rest.. may be awhile before it is the same again!
Work space.
Mitten on the go. This one is done now, and number 2 on the way!
I have 4 pairs of Jammie pants cut out to sew together and I could make more... *sighs* but I want to knit some other things too!