So here it is. I got up to feed my girl at 7something... Fed her. She puked on me. Now Saturday and Sunday she hasn't been herself.. gassy, cranky kinda, not her normal happy, smiley self. This morning she was happy and wonderful except for the puke. I feel for the girl. OI. Just ate puked on mom, down herself on her hand, down mom's shirt and into mom's bra! thank goodness the band on the bra was tight and that it stopped it there!!! But after this.. change her, wash her, redress her. Set her in the playpen to deal with getting the clothes ready for laundry(because we are once again making a trip to the city...). and she is out like a light. One little squeak, told her she was OK and I would be right there.. and when I got there she was sleeping... Go figure. I guess we shall see how the rest of the day goes....
The rest here is pics, Pics I took yesterday and b4. Just so you can see um... the date taken is on the pic in the corner.. so if you want to know how old they are!
she is adorable and I remember those days, Although my oldest will be 32 on the first, the middle guy just turned 30 and has 3 of his own and my baby is 27 Thats why I have lots of time to knit!!
Your baby is beautiful!
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