My house is down with a nasty cold. I do believe that James is getting better... I am thinking I might be getting better... would know better if I had any sleep(yes, I know meds are a wonderful thing if you can take them, right now I can not, they will steal the milk from baby girl).... Gwyn, my baby girl has been spared the worst of this and just has a bit of a sniffly nose.. Thanks to the powers that be... mind you she might feel pretty crappy too.. she just can't tell us so... but she is not sweating and red nosed or anything, like her mom. I swear if I find out who gave us this.... there will be a sore spot on their body!!! I have a bet it wandered in aimlessly on someones hands or whatnot.... Nobody would have intentionally brought it home, but we did see a lot of people through the holiday so...
Anyhow.... I have some pics to show you, of Christmas... LOL I call them the Baby Vultures.... Yes, Baby Vultures... the swarm around waiting for you to choose them to hand the baby off to. Constantly checking to make sure your ok with baby and that you don't need a break.. (but I just got her back!!!) LOL

My question is, How do you get a baby unspoiled? I did however get an hour and a half this afternoon to do something.. but when I wanted a nap... she would not cooperate. (yes I know you can not spoil a baby with love.. but I am betting the grandma whom said that did not hold those babies 24-7 either!)
Here is a pic of the 3 of us... we are unpacking Gwyn's stocking here.

So, that's my world for now... catch ya again soon... I did take pics of the blooming Christmas cactus... and I have a pic or two of Gwyn.. but they are still on the camera... and I have yet to get to them.....
Happy New Year! She's gorgeous :)
Rob is still sick ... proving to be harder to shake then he thought i think...
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