Saturday, February 12, 2011

Busyish week behind.. busyish week ahead!

Well, we had a trip to Yorkton this past week.. which made for a very long day. I guess it only made it feel like a long week as we weren't really up to much else. I finished a pair of socks and started a new pair....
This coming week we are headed into Regina. Gwyn and I, to get a visit with Grandma and Grandpa.. and who knows maybe that auntie and uncle from Moose Jaw will slip down for a visit :) That's always nice. Trips to Regina always seem to be so hectic. I haven't got a giant list of to do's though so maybe... it won't be so bad... Maybe we can sneak a trip to the pool in. Or even some skating! Would be nice... but who knows!
I asked Gwyn if she wanted to go see Grandma and grandpa and she nodded yes. I asked her if she wanted to go see Snow dog... She got a giant smile on her face and nodded yes. So.. we will see how that goes over when we are leaving Daddy at home. *shrugs* we shall see....


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