Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In the midst of knitting like a crazy woman to finsh for Christmas....

 James putting in new taps in the kitchen... we no longer have to turn the tap just right to keep it from dripping!! But he had help... from Gwyn, and Meowmeow.

Gwyn taking pics of her bunny on Webkins Jr
Sitting pretty Meowmeow

Whatcha doing momma?

Christmas knitting....

ahhh the finished Christmas knitting.
Too bad I still have a scarf and a shawl to whip off the needles.. oh my..... back to it...

1 comment:

Emily said...

You amaze me =) It would take me a month to knit one sock HA!!!! Yeah for non leaky sinks. We are working on non leaky toliets. Ugh!