Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Happy November 1st, WHAT???

Ok, we have had a fabulous fall. In fact having is the correct more propper way to put that. We have been just dipping under 0 at night for the most part, and being ooh 5 or 6 or 8 degrees during the day. We would spend more time outside if the wind didn't feel so freakin' cold but, you take what you can!

I am apparently normal. This nagging feeling of being 2 steps behind. Is apparently normal. Thank goodness, though I am still not so sure I should take comfort in this.....

Here are some pictures from last month, that being 2 steps behind didn't get posted just yet.. LOL
First fun little pictures I took with the new phone....

On the way to swim lessons

At swim lessons

After class fun!

Gwyn's doodles

Drumming with Grandma

Playing in the kitchen, at Costco.

The kitchen is on the Santa list :)

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