Still no crafting content.... Still been way busy with my little angel. I am hoping though to get into my garden.. right after this posting... and see if I can finish planting it!!! James my sweetest started it. He got the potato, Dill, and Kohlrabi (green and purple). I helped and we planted... half a row of beets, couple hills of spaghetti squash, acorn squash and zucchini. I really want to get out there and finish planting the cucumber, carrots, peas and maybe some spinach and chard for good measure... we will see where we get to. My girl who was down for a nap.... did not snoozy at all.. and instead is up and busy as ever, so, hopefully auntie and she will have a good play while I go dig in the dirt....
Did I mention that the tooth we thought was one.. was 2? and I think she is working on more now... 
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