LOL! Well today I spent the day driving around with hubby, We went to the farm (so he could fill out his seeded acreage report) and have a visit with his mom and dad. Then we went off to the bank . . . Then we went to Preecevile so that he could file the crop insurance. We had Chinese for lunch/supper. The little restaurant "Jacks" is good Chinese there. We popped in to say hello to his brother. Then we came back an drove by the Oats field, which he calls mine. It looks pretty good on the hills, pretty yellow and drowned out looking in any of the little low spots. Been a heck of a lot of rain round here. He didn't get anything done with the home place. . . As you can see in the pic above. . . So I looked at the garden, which is looking really nice at the farm there. I am adding a photo there too!
Now to the crafty stuff . . . Well hopefully nobody told my cousin about this blog yet. . . Well at least till I get these socks done. I am giving these socks as an odd, I say odd because a house warming gift is usually something house related, but I figure that they are house related, my cuz and her man just moved into their first house(had apartments b4) and so I hunted high and low for a recipe box, cuz I know she would like one, couldn't find one anywhere! Except EBay and well the shipping was nuts! So I thought and came up with nice warm wooly socks! Who wouldn't like a warm pair of woollies to wear on the hardwood floor in a house? Well I figured with the cost of energy these days and needing to keep the thermostat down that I would make them some socks, to keep the tootsies warm while the thermostat was turned down so that they could afford the bills! Good Idea? hmmm . .. . I am hoping so! But again pics are above. The green ones are a beautiful waffley pattern and for my cuz and the grey ones are plain and for her guy! So that is what I have been working on. . . After that I will be starting on Christmas gifts I thinks, so can tell you vaguely about the stuff I make but no pics! LOL well who knows might give pictures anyways!
My pics didnt upload quite how I woulda liked them but still learning so next time!
So I am off an running, we leave to work again tomorrow. I have laundry to do and such so will be busy at that! Maybe post b4 we leave, who knows! LOL anywho,
Catchya all soon!
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