Well, our girl doesn't like to be confined. So, we were out in the city and picked up a bouncer for her. We also found this fun
Tigger sleeper.. we bought it in a 12 month size as she is getting so very very long!!!! She is just fitting her 6 month size and has grown out of a few 6 month sized things!

Gwyn sure smiles for her daddy.... he was making faces at her as she swung and bounced in her new seat.

She sure likes that little seat. I have the seat in the wash right now... so she will be able to play in it again in no time! Only thing.. it will only be good at home or at Grandma and Grandpa K's. It needs a 1/2 inch trim on the door frame to hold it. I don't think the motel in Outlook has that.
These couple days home, we have been home right? Have been good. Back to Outlook tomorrow. James wants to get back to work. The weather is supposed to be much nicer too!
So, today is laundry and packing day.... oh and tidy up day... so.. lots to do.
Off and running!
Catch you later!
Awww, i'm glad she loves the bouncer you bought her , Tyler loved his ... too bad i didnt keep it , it was the stationary kind , no door jams needed :) it sure came in handy ..
a happy happy pretty baby! now your arms can take a break from bouncing her around. but i would rather bounce Gwyn in my arms than have them occupied with all the laundry and cleaning you have to do...
spring has almost arrived here... i don't envy you the slightest bit for going into those freezing temperatures once again. keep warm!
Awww what a cutie pie makes me miss my girls as little ones my youngest is almost 3 now.(((((Hugs))) Darcy
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